Book Gallery Free Stories

Hey Lovely Readers! 

This section has books written by me, which are completely free for you to read. However, in the future, I may publish some of my novels which wouldn't be free for long except some chapters will be available for you to preview. For now, I'm writing. As I bare my ongoing stories, please leave your feedback on the respective sites. It'll help me understand what you want to read. 


Priyanka Patra 

Read An All-New Dark Drama Fiction, 

Crave You

Read an All New Dark Drama Fiction, Crave You on Wattpad, Inkitt, Dreame and Sweek

Kayla M. Lee is losing her passion for her inattentive advisor husband, Nathan. She might be successful managing her fabric manufacturing company but at home, she's struggling with him. Things are further complicated in one night that upends her trust in him. While she attempts to make her five-year-old marriage work, Nathan doesn't put the effort into mending the shattered pieces. Trapped in a sexless relationship and her marriage flaking, Kayla thinks, if she has to satiate her missing desire, a dreamy operation manager has the answer. And for that - she has to return to Seus Doces cafe. 

Scott Miller is very satisfied with his insatiable CEO boyfriend, Matt Rodriguez. But, relationship-wise, he's irrevocably hollow. His mysterious man doesn't talk much about his feelings or work unlike him. Then one day, Scott stealthily sees Matt throw his phone at the wall. He suspects Matt is in trouble after getting off a serious phone call. He tries to gain his trust but Matt doesn't return the kind of love he wants. The only way he can escape his pain - is by watching Kayla return to Seus Doces. 
When Kayla and Scott stand close, they can see their bodies on each other, wrapped in the sheets of wild bliss. What they can't see is - one of them is obsessed with letting the other go. How dangerous their desire is going to be?

Disclaimer: This novel is for a mature audience. Please refrain if you're not above the age of 18. 


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